Tuesday 22 September 2009

Garage Rant

This blog isn't all going to be about facts and guides, I'm going to throw some of my own opinions in there too!

I don't understand why people don't look after their garage!

Really, how hard is it to clean out the garage to keep it in order? Or to check on the springs every now and then? It would make things a lot easier for yourself if you just spent some time looking after the garage. They don't need much maintenance, and if you aren't doing it then I guarantee you aren't using your garage to its full potential.

Anyway, rant OVER!

Monday 21 September 2009

Garage Springs

One of the great things about garages is that you know a little bit about the parts inside you can usually fix most things yourself or at least get someone else to do it for you who knows what they are doing.

One of the things that often causes problems in a garage are the springs. The reason is they are nearly alwaysunder high tension and hence are liable to snap if they aren't card for properly. As they are metal snapping can actually be very dangerous if anyone else is around, so be aware that they should never by tampered with by anyone other than a professional. These are heavy weight springs so make sure you pay someone who knows what they are doing!

There are two types of spring, extension and torsion. They both do the same job though, help the door to lift up so the person doesn't have to do all the lifting.

Make sure you inspect your garage springs regularly for any signs of wear and tear.

Sunday 20 September 2009

Getting extra storage space

Don't worry if your garage is a complete mess, you are definitely not alone. In fact I would bet that the majority of garages are completely un organised and hence aren't using their space very well. But what can you do about this?

Well, reorganising a garage is never an easy task, but you'll be very glad you did it when it's over! Not only will it help you find things in the future much more easily but when it comes to move house you'll find it a lot easier to do so.

Here are a few tips for organising your garage:

  1. Pack everything into boxes - but make sure you label them on the top AND side. You don't want to have to search through every box that you have in the future just to find the one piece of equipment that you need.
  2. Put your gardening tools near the entrance. This will help you to get at them easily as you might need them more than other things.
  3. Stack the least used boxes at the back such as holiday decorations. Make sure the things you regularly need are near the front.
  4. If you need more storage space consider getting some shelves to put on the walls

Why garages?

It's true, garages aren't really the most exciting thing that you can have in the house. But the reason I have made a blog about them is that they are really underused. For example, if you take into account all the extra space you can get for storage as well as other fun things you can do in the garage then they really shouldn't be ignored.

So many people spend their time with really cluttered garages and hence don't have much time for them as it is a lot of effort to sort out. However with a bit or organisation this doesn't have to be the case, you can really get a lot out of a garage if you put some time in.

With that said, there is also the aesthetic benefit of having a great looking garage. Ever wanted to make your house look a bit better on the exterior? Then try getting a wooden garage door for example, it can make a huge difference.